Speaking in the plain words – mediation is just 100 % laziness. Nothing in 'you' is working
in meditation. None of your - ‘body parts’ should work and the ‘mind’ too
should stop functioning – then you are in ‘complete laziness’ or in ‘complete
relaxation’ or in ‘deep meditation’.
First of all one should know – why the people
are moving? Why we are all changing from one position to the other?
This is simply because – in a given position
a person [any being] is not happy and hoping for ‘joy’ or ‘more joy’ people are
moving from one position to the other but, unfortunately in the new position
too we fail to find joy and we keep on moving to ‘new’ positions always. You
might call this with myriad different names like - doing job, eating, playing
or enjoying etc., but, deep down we are in want
of [more] happiness behind
all these doings.
But, the fact is that ‘none’ really ‘none’ of
these 'changes' could make us happy. Before attaining ‘it’ [the position or
state] we feel ‘it’ would make us happy – but, after a long struggle [change of
positions] once we had attained ‘it’ we would come to know ‘it’ is not happy at
all and again we seek something different in order to be happy and we keep on
moving in this way. This we call - ‘life’.
After a prolonged motion, lifelong movement –
one [very few out of myriad] comes to know that ‘nothing’ or in other words ‘no change' of position could make us happy.

Contrary to the ‘good job syndrome’ [common
man's belief or perception that only good job could make them happy] – the
Hinduism says ONLY this ‘total laziness’ or ‘total rest’ - could give you
complete relaxation or complete ‘joy’. In this situation – the ‘joy’ will come
from ‘within’ and ‘joy’ could only come from ‘within’ according to the Hindu
scriptures and as we generally think ‘joy’ could never come from outside, from
‘work’ because, what we are searching ‘out’ is not present outside actually but,
it is present deep ‘within’.
After moving or travelling for a long – once
the sojourner has reached his ‘home’, no more motion but, he just sits and
relaxes. That is what meditation is all about! It sounds simple – but, is not so
simple in practice! Because, we have been moving, we are in the Newton’s
‘inertia’ of motion and it is really hard to come to rest and ‘sit’ still. Our
momentum will not let us sit and relax but, once we taste the ‘joy’ of that ‘sitting still’ we will never look back at –
‘work’, the Hindu scriptures refer to this as - Anaavrutthi Sabddhath - the attained, will never return back to this world again !
Physically one might easily sit like a ‘Buddha’
but, it is very difficult to keep the ‘mind’ still and the purpose of all the spiritual
practices is nothing but, making you ‘sit still’ especially internally [stillness
of mind] - like a ‘Buddha’ but, of course different religions follow different methods
to achieve this.
The statue in a ‘temple’ is standing or sitting
still, only to teach you this concept - if you sit or stand [physical posture is
not important in the advanced stages of meditation] still, like a statue – you will
become ‘god’. This stillness refers not just to the ‘external’ but, mainly to the
‘internal’ stillness. After attaining to the ‘internal stillness’ though the ‘body’
might be at work, it will not spoil the ‘internal stillness or peace’.
I hope this discussion sheds some light on - Meditation...!
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