‘Witchcraft’ – has been in practice in India
for a long time and it has been mentioned in many Hindu books. The aim of this
article is just to give ‘some’ proof on it - that it works and not to elaborate
on the technicalities of it.
Though many so called ‘rationalists’ argue
against the ‘witchcraft’ that it doesn't work and baseless – it is indeed a science
according to the Hindu scriptures and the scientific argument in favor of the functioning
of ‘witchcraft’ is as follows of course in the indirect route.
There is an effect in the ‘modern science’ known as
the ‘resonance’. This works like this. Suppose TWO violins are kept in a room
and both of them are of the same make up. Now, if you are playing on one of
them nothing will happen for some time – and when the strings of your ‘violin’
reach certain frequency – then the other ‘violin’ in the room that is sitting
quite – will start to sing on its own at the frequency of your ‘violin’ as if
some ‘unknown’ being is playing on it.
This property is not due to some strange
phenomena but, it is very simple property peculiar to the ‘vibrating bodies’
known even to the classical physics. This property is called as ‘resonance’ in
physics and different bodies resonate at different frequencies and this
‘resonating frequency’ is implicit to that body.
The ‘witchcraft’ too works in the same way. In
witch craft - generally the items like – nails or hair or sand from the
foot-print of a person or spit of a person - are collected before ‘witch craft’
is done on to a person. Scientifically, from the point of the molecular biology
– the samples mentioned before will contain the ‘body cells’ of the person whom
they want to inflict with ‘witchcraft’ and these ‘cells’ are holding the
‘genes’ of that person as in general.
Now, by means of using ‘mantras’ and
otherwise it is possible to inflict the ‘gene’ that has been collected. If the
particular ‘gene’ undergoing ‘witchcraft’ is afflicted with a particular kind
of ‘problem’ or disease – then as in the case of the above explained
‘resonance’ [like this but, NOT exactly resonance] – ‘other cells’ in the world
where ever they might be, that are similar to the one under the threat of the
‘witch craft’ will acquire the same problem too and will suffer there by. As
long as the cells under the ‘witch craft’ are suffering, the other cells or the
person too will suffer due to the influence of ‘witchcraft’.
Please note that ‘resonance’ property has
been used to explain the similarity in the concepts but, the ‘witch craft’ in
no way is concerned with the property of actual ‘resonance’.

This is just an attempt to ascertain the
possibility of ‘witchcraft’ through indirect proof. The ‘witch craft’ is well
known in India and in some other countries too, even from the ancient times. It
is not something baseless and it has been mentioned in some Hindu books and
even ‘Swami Vivekananda’ was a victim of this ‘cruel craft’. When he was in
‘Kashmir’ in India, on a visit, he was ‘afflicted’ by this from a ‘fakir’ and
his condition became serious too. But, luckily he was rescued by his ‘guru’,
Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
If the modern science fails to explain something
– will 'it' become false or baseless ? The modern science is still in its adolescent stage and there are
many things that the ‘modern science’ is not aware of and it fails to explain many
There are many people who are practicing this
‘craft’ to make money but, most of them are just ‘idiots’ about ‘witchcraft’ and
they don’t know how to work with this. Just they are cheating innocent people for
money as in the case of many other professions. So, naturally their application
of this craft will not function but, this doesn't imply that the craft itself is ‘wrong’, the problem is with the person practicing it and NOT with the ‘witchcraft’ itself.
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