Why many rules in ancient Hindu society ?

Anything complex thing or system can come into existence only out of deep insight and understanding. For example – a theory like relativity could come up only after rigorous thinking and for complex thinking to take place very wise people are required and this could only give rise to sophisticated outputs.

Such wise people [sages] were present in the ancient India and the result was the complex and obscure sciences [sastras] and they indeed built a complex society too in the ancient India, the society with many rules, regulations and customs.

Only a complex system [or instrument] can do a great job and a simple system [instrument] can do but only a simple job. A knife is nowhere near an atomic bomb only due to complexity differences. The purpose of a good society is to breed ‘good’ [less animalistic] and ‘mature’ people. So, if a society is complex and more systematic [with many rules and regulations] naturally it could breed great [mature] people. Only a systematized society can give birth to systematic or mature individuals. Can you imagine a tribal village to produce mature or sophisticated individuals? This could never happen because unless the system is complex its output can never be complex.

The ancients knew the purpose and value of life. The sole purpose of the life is to make the inner flower to bloom but, of course ours life mission is different and for many it is just the sensual gratification. Consequently with the goal of life in the mind, they developed their societies that could facilitate such inner growth. So, they had developed the ancient societies with so many rules, regulations and customs especially in the ancient India. The caste system too is one such system that facilitates the inner growth of individuals and is not mindless. This is the reason for the birth of complex and mature individuals, the spiritual giants like – Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir and countless sages in India. No other country in the world had produced so many spiritual giants – just because they lacked the complexity of the Hindu societies.

Moreover due to these complexities [rules and regulations] in the societies, the ancients had lived a happy and peaceful life unlike the modern individuals. There were not these many crimes, rapes etc., in the ancient societies only due to these customs, rules and regulations.

So many rules and regulations are imposed in the traffic only to make the ‘drive’ easier and joyful but, these are not mindless rules making the drive complex. So were the rules, regulations, customs and etc., prevailing in the ancient societies but, they are not useless and mindless impositions as many modern thinkers feel.

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