Are ancient Customs mindless ?

The modern people generally think that certain ancient customs are foolish or baseless. This is due to the maturity difference between the present generation and the ancient sages, who had formulated those customs.

If Einstein says something to a kid, it is no wonder that the kid will generally not understand him because it is beyond the grasp of the kid. In the same sense we fail to understand certain sayings of the sages. They are far above our understanding caliber and quite naturally we will criticize them. But, due to our 'ego' we think they are wrong, but the kids will 'believe' Einstein is correct even though they fail to understand him as the kids are not hampered by the 'ego' effect.

Just we are crawling in the earthy dust, our minds racing after all the dirty things in the world and the sages are very pure in intellect hence it is natural that their intellects are very powerful and elevated then ours. So, we naturally fail to understand their sayings. But, our 'ego' will not let us accept this reality and we think they are wrong. Einstein might go wrong but, nothing is wrong with the sayings of the ancient sages. Because, in the present era - everyone is writing or telling something - out of thinking or loose tongue. But, 'our' thinking itself is wrong [this will be discussed in another article]. Unlike this if the sages say something they will not go wrong - because they talk only after realization and not the casual thinking.

Nothing is wrong in trying to understand the ancient customs or scriptures or doctrines or Vedas. But, if we fail to understand them - as is the natural case - then just we have to understand the fact that ‘we are short of understanding' and nothing is wrong with the sages or scriptures or the 'avatars'. 

If we happen to understand them or their sayings - then we should feel lucky that we have understood [like a kid is lucky if it understands Einstein] them and if we fail to understand them as it is the natural case then instead of blaming them or deciding them to be wrong - we should accept out stupidity.

No custom from the past is ‘idiotic’ - unlike many modern ‘degree holders’ think but, just due to our stupidity we fail to understand them. For some of the customs we have the scientific explanations but, to many of the ancient customs the modern science is yet to find explanations. But, if we fail to explain or understand them will the ancient customs become ‘wrong’ or ‘baseless’?

We must broaden our minds to accept our 'dwarf-ness' and not to find faults with the figures like Jesus or Ram or Krishna or Buddha or with the sayings of the ancients and the mystics.

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