Now, if a person is doing his ‘work’ with
full dedication, then it gives the same level of maturity to the individual as
that of praying before his/her chosen ‘deity’. For example, if a ‘shooter’ is
aiming at his target then he is literally in ‘meditation’ according to the
Hindu doctrines of the ‘yoga’. His mind is fully fixed or absorbed on his goal
and he is in meditation. So, the ‘shooter’ will get the same maturity out of
his ‘shooting’ work as that from meditation. Similarly, a fisherman is in
meditation while he is observing for a fish. If he is more deep into it – his
meditation is also that much deeper. In the Kurushetra battle field, the lord Krishna teaches the warrior Arjuna, to work without any motive [above figure].
This applies to every work an individual is
doing. If ‘you’ are more concerned or more concentrated on your work then you
are in meditation at the moment of doing your work and naturally it [your work]
gives you the same maturity as that of your meditation. Hence, the Hindu
philosophy will not distinguish between – ‘work’ and ‘worship’ and these two
are given the equal respect. This concept is also called as ‘karma yoga’ or the
‘work devotion’.
So, the Hinduism commands you to do your work
with at most devotion for the dedicated work gives you the same result as that
of your ‘prayer’ or any other spiritual practice.
That is why the ‘wholehearted work’ or ‘wholehearted love’ or even ‘wholehearted hate’ - has been lauded in all the Hindu scriptures
– for it gives depth to your being or it makes you ‘bloom within’.
This applies not only to the ‘human beings’ but,
to any being in general. For example, while an eagle is after it’s pray, its eyes
are fixed onto the ‘pray’ and the eagle will not think of anything else and hence,
it is in meditation. Due to this ‘meditation’ throughout its life, the eagle gets
maturity and in the next birth it [the eagle] is eligible for some higher form of
life for example a man or a cow.
The Hinduism says, all the creatures are evolving
‘within’ only due to the ‘devoted work’ they do. This work might be ‘sex’ or ‘anger’
or ‘love’ or ‘hate’ or something else but, it gives maturity to the ‘beings’ and
it pushed them on the ladder of life to ‘evolve’ as long as the work is wholehearted. Only due to this ‘work is worship’
principle – all the life forms are evolving ‘within’ and this is not concerned in
any way with the Darwin’s evolution of the physical forms of the creatures based on 'natural selection'.
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