spite of this – people do all sorts of bad things [sins] but, they want to be
happy! Hinduism says - this is impossible according to the principles of the
universe. Just like the laws in physics [ex: E = mc2] there are laws
in the universe that govern our actions and thoughts as well, the Hinduism
calls this law as ‘Karma Siddhanth’, or the ‘law of actions’ - this is similar to the
Newton’s third law - ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. If your action is 'good' then the reaction towards you will also be 'good' [happiness] and if your action is 'bad' the reaction towards you is naturally 'bad' [sorrow].
If I harm others then the same harm will come to me in future and
if I do good to others - the same good will happen to me in future. This has
been told in the age old saying – whatever you sow that shall you reap. Even in thought if I think
something good for others then in future the same good will happen to me – the Hinduism
claims and the same in the case of bad thoughts as well.
The good or bad doings need not be towards ONLY the human beings,
but towards any being in general – will fetch you the similar results but, the
intensity might be different. For example if I harm a bad person it is less sin
then harming a good man, if I kill an animal then it is less ‘sin’ than killing
a man of course the ‘your country law’ might not punish you if you kill an
animal but, the ‘law of actions will not spare you’.
During these days, people generally think that ‘money’ can make
them happy and in order to get money they do all sorts of bad things or sins. Instead
the Hinduism says – NOT money but, ONLY your good doings can make you happy.
Hinduism also says that – while doing bad [sin] it give you pleasure but,
later on you will suffer, the opposite is true in the case of ‘good’ things [Dharma] – doing good might be
painful in some cases but, later on it gives [makes] you happy. For example, while
smoking you feel some kind of pleasure but, later on it kills you! To know more
on this read the article Why Smoking, Drinking are –
Sins ? - on this site.
If you are suffering now, you should have committed ‘sins’ in the
past for sure otherwise you will not suffer – Hinduism says.
The results of your ‘good’ or ‘bad’ doings will not come to you
immediately – Hinduism adds. If you sow a seed now can it give you fruits right
now? The Hinduism questions you! Hinduism says - Sakaalena Vindathi, the results of your
actions will come to you in proper time.
On the other had if you are in sorrow or you are suffering – that too
is only for your good in the long run – the Hinduism says. Just because you are
in troubles you should not do bad things – the Hinduism commends.

So, I guess you know how
to be happy! Be happy – I wish you, one and all!
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