Types of Problems we get

Each thing is classified into THREE types in Hinduism. The Hindu scriptures are saying this as – thrigunaatmakam idam jagath - and so are the problems too, THREE in type.

The thiguna – in Hinduism refer to the – satva, rajas and the tamas qualities. These 3 are present in every aspect of the life and the universe. For example the matter particles are three in number [electron, proton and the neutron]. Time too has three aspects – past, present and the future. The problems to the individuals too are of THREE types – depending on the three qualities [satva, rajas and the tamas] they exhibit. When these qualities are applied to the mind, in broad sense - Satva – implies goodness, rajas- implies selfishness and tamas – implies darkness or evilness.

When tamas is dominant people get into problems due to the crimes they do. They do all types of anti-social activities when this guna [quality] is dominant in them. A person having more of this quality will do crimes – for example – killing, looting, drinking, prostitution, etc. Consequently, they will get into troubles due to their own wrong doings.

The next quality is the rajas. When this is dominant – the individuals will get into problems, due to their ‘ego’ or this is due to the ‘ego problem’. I want to ‘win’ so I will create problems for others and consequently to myself as well. In other words, this is due to the ‘win-lose’ mentality, I want to win – though others might suffer due to my acts. This is due to the morbid mentality that does not like to think broad and often lacks heart.

Another one is the – satvik quality. These people get into troubles due to their righteous mentality. These are good people and often they don’t exhibit tact or diplomacy and due to this they will get into troubles or they want to follow the ‘dharma’ or the morals and will get into troubles. Just playing diplomacy or some other means they could get out of the problems but, they will not do for these are ‘god fearing’ or the like people they have predefined boundaries which they don’t like to cross.

All these three could be found in the single anecdote in Ramayana. The ill servant lady -‘Mandara’ provokes queen ‘Kaikeyi’ for sending the prince ‘Rama’ to the forests abandoning the throne and the palace. Hearing to this from the king ‘Dasaratha’, prince Rama left for the forests.

Here, the evil minded servant represents the – tamo guna [tamas quality]. She is exhibiting cunningness and creating problems in the kingdom. The ‘Kaikeyi’ – is exhibiting the rajas quality, therefore she wants to win [ego satisfaction – ego problem]. Rama – though he could deny the words of the king ‘Dhasarath’ – bound by dharma, the righteousness he left to the forests and therefore he represents – the satvik quality. Consequently, all these three suffered due to their different traits [qualities].

These are the problems we beget on our own due to the exhibition of our [three] qualities. A single person might exhibit these three at different times and hence, could get different problems. So, this implies that - what ever might be your attitude you will get into some type of problem. If you are good you will get some problem and if you are bad you will get a different problem but, the problems are unavoidable in the world for sure as the problems are a implicit facet of the world. But, the problems due to the - satvik quality - will elevate the soul in the ladder of life, so useful and the other two [tamasrajas] will ruin the soul, pushing it down hence are harmful. So, naturally Rama had chosen it and his choice solved many problems in the world and elevated him too. This is the choice of the wise people. Great heroes like Harichandra, Nala, Sibi, Maandata etc., suffered while standing on the righteous way, holding the satvik quality and they came out glorious.  

There are other types of problems too that come to us those are not due to our direct actions but, due to other people and things and it will be discussed in another article.

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