The problem in the spiritual life is this. We
have to reach something that is totally a new dimension to this, ‘what we know’.
That is why - different religions and mystics will say differently though they are
telling about the same reality. These are all trying to bring down the reality into
the grasp of the mind and for different people with different maturity levels they
say differently and all these sayings and understandings however logical or intellectual
they might appear all these are ‘just trash’ because, there is no relation between
what we understand of that ‘unknown’ and the ‘unknown’ is. Our concept of ‘reality’ is
just ‘our imagination’ and not the ‘reality’.
That is why the Hindu scripture say the reality
as – avaak maanasa gocharam - that is beyond the grasp of the words
and mind. So, Hinduism didn’t encourage discussions and knowledge gathering on the
‘ultimate’ as whatever you understand or know about the 'ultimate' is all just ‘rubbish’. So, in ancient India
the sages didn’t even prescribe the philosophical scriptures [Vedant-
the Upanishads] to the common masses.
Hinduism says – just do some kind of spiritual
practice to uplift your-self and discussion won’t do. These spiritual practices
too – will depend on the individual concerned. A single method will not fit all
the individuals because each one is at his own level of maturity. Consequently,
Hinduism has given many spiritual practices and ‘gods’ too in order to suit the spiritual needs of
different individuals.
This is like – if people want to go from ‘Bangalore
to Hyderabad’ different people take different methods. Some of these could be through
– airplanes, trains, buses, cars, on foot, horse and in hundred different ways and
routs. They will choose based on different things, financial and others too.

amongst many gods. No ‘god’ will suit a ‘Jnana Yogi’ - and he will make a joke out of it because his concept of the ‘ultimate’ and his way are totally different than a devotee. If a person is both a ‘Jnana Yogi’ and a ‘bhakti yogi’ [as in the case of Swami Vivekananda ] as well then of course he could accept the god.
Everything is logical in the Universe [even Albers
Einstein had this view and he didn’t support ‘Quantum mechanics’ throughout his
life that allows illogicality through the Heisanberg’s uncertainty principle] and
has a reason behind it. Naturally, a devotee can’t choose a ‘god’ in random and
again this will depend on their – samskaras. Different people will choose
a different ‘god’ that is related to his/her ‘samskaras’, the inner
psychology. That is why – Hinduism permits adoration of everything. There are people
adoring - trees, snakes, stones and nothing is an exception for adoration.
For example - a small terrorist would adore ‘Bin
Laden’ and ‘service oriented people’ could adore ‘mother Theresa’ and the terrorist
might not adore ‘Theresa’ and ‘servicer’ will not adore ‘Laden’ instead they will
hate. It naturally implies that your ‘god’ is your personal matter and it depends
on your samskaras as already mentioned. If anything gives you maturity
or pushes you on the spiritual path then you could choose it as your ‘god’.
But, in prayer two things are important. The first
one is the - intensity of devotion of the devotee and the second one is the - spiritual power of the object of adoration. [The ‘object of adoration’ refers to both – your
‘god’ and your ‘guru’ as well]
If both – the devotee and the object adored -
are powerful then – the devotee can climb the ladder easily and quickly. That is
why the Hinduism stresses on the importance of a ‘guru’ as he can lead you easily
with his own spiritual power. In the presence of strong magnet even a small iron
piece can easily turn into a strong magnet and in the presence of a weak magnet
the iron piece will only become a weak magnet but not strong. That is why the Hinduism
says – the greatness of a disciple depends on his ‘guru’.
So, instead of praying in the house, praying in
powerful temples is more rewarding. Even in the ‘gods’ too, there are strong and
weak gods as well. The belief and understanding of the devotee too will count in
If your
‘guru’ or 'god' - is weak then your progress too will be slow but, it is far better than not
having a ‘guru’ or 'god' - generally speaking.
In the starting or low stages, the conman man
– simply can’t accept something as his ‘guru’. He needs some ‘proof’ [even Vivekananda
wanted it and he tested Ramakrishna before accepting him as his ‘guru’] from his
‘guru’ might in the in the form of some help or insight from the ‘guru’ and if that
‘satisfies’ then he could accept him as his ‘guru’ else he will not. This ‘matrix’
of ‘satisfying the disciple’ depends on both the ‘spiritual caliber’ of the ‘master’
and the ‘disciple’ as well.
When you want to judge something – we have to
see in so many angles or the entire universe is responsible for the happening of
anything how minute it might appear, speaking the fact.
If I pray a tree – and I have the belief then
the ‘tree god’ will surely come to my help. Please note that the ‘tree’ might not
help me but, the ‘god unseen’ present in the tree [Hinduism says ‘god’ is present
everywhere – sarvam Vishnu mayam jagat] will surely come to my rescue. Here, it depends
on the ‘intensity of adoration’ of the devotee and the tree has no ‘potential spiritual
power’ per see.

The Hinduism – will not deny anything at all.
We can pray anything in Hinduism and the ‘dead people’ - are in fact treated like
‘gods’ – the ‘Pithru devathas’. So, from this point too there is nothing wrong in
praying ‘Theresa’ as ‘god’.
Problem is only with adoring a living person, a ‘guru’ as 'god'. If they
are not good they might manipulate you or cheat you or utilize you for their personal
benefits or they might disappoint you after some time, then you will feel like breaking
the ‘bond’. So, caution is required only in adoring a ‘live guru’ as 'god'. So, keen examination
is required before accepting a ‘living guru’ as Vivekananda did in the case of his
guru. A dead person will not cheat - so no caution and doubt are required.
Bhakti - devotion is a very private matter in fact, between the ‘devotee’
and his ‘god’. If the devotee is ‘happy’ with his ‘god’ its fine and no one else has to poke into the matter.
{ This post is in response to the question from this blog reader - Muralidharan, Bangalore, India. Thank you Mr. Murali for your question}
Note - For a
discussion on - 'types of Gods' - read the article entitled - Does ‘Sai Baba’
- a ‘god’ ?
{ This post is in response to the question from this blog reader - Muralidharan, Bangalore, India. Thank you Mr. Murali for your question}
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