What we eat + what we see + what we hear => What
we do
Keeping this in view,
the Upanishads [Vedanth] of the Hindus has a prayer to the god that goes like
this: badram karnebhi, badram shakshubi, etc. It implies “ O lord! Let us see only the
good, let us hear only the good”. This is because, if you hear the good and see
the good then you will never do or think or utter – bad. Thus you will be happy
and the others [world too] too will be happy. If all are good and doing good
how can anyone suffer on the Earth?
But, contrary to this the present generation, unfortunately is: hearing
bad, seeing bad – due to the media and information revolution. The movies, TVs,
the Internet and mobiles – are spreading the bad exponentially. So, our generation
is seeing the unprecedented crime rates in the world. Few people and
organizations are getting benefited by spoiling the entire people on the globe.
Now coming to eating, what we are eating is all bad and impure and
poisonous. This is mainly due to the – stored food with all their chemicals
etc., as you know well. But, this article is limited to the discussion against
eating the non-vegetarian food.
Unfortunately, eating non-vegetarian food and drinking alcohol has become
the modern trend around the world along with many bad things.
But, what we eat invariably
has its impact on our psychology. This we can realize by observing the different
species that are carnivorous and herbivorous as well. For example, look at a
cow or deer - they eat grass [vegetarian] and appear very soft. The cow or deer
will not harm you generally, unless you harass it or its calf. On the other
hand look at a lion or tiger, these eat non-vegetarian and are very aggressive,
you can’t dare to go near it. The dog will come in between these two creatures
in aggressiveness, as it is omnivorous – dog eats both vegetarian and non-vegetarian
as well. Even
the dogs that have been brought up ONLY on vegetarian food exhibit lesser
aggression against those dogs fed exclusively with non-vegetarian food.
The difference between them is mainly due to what they eat. This implies that - taking the non-vegetarian will make you violent and aggressive and on the contrary taking the vegetarian will make you soft and gentle. Here it is worthy note that – almost all the criminals take non-vegetarian foods regularly.
The difference between them is mainly due to what they eat. This implies that - taking the non-vegetarian will make you violent and aggressive and on the contrary taking the vegetarian will make you soft and gentle. Here it is worthy note that – almost all the criminals take non-vegetarian foods regularly.

On the other hand –
eating the flesh of other animals will bring you ‘sin’, this is according to
the ‘law of actions’, the karma siddhanth of the Hinduism, this is similar to
the third law of Isaac Newton – for every action
there will an equal and opposite reaction. According to this – if you
do good things the result you get will be good [happiness] and on the other
hand if you do bad things [sin] the result you get will be bad [sorrow and
suffering]. So, eating non-vegetarian will fetch you ‘sin’ and you will suffer
later on. You might argue that you are NOT killing the animals directly while
you eat non-vegetarian but, the scriptures are not sparing you. The scriptures
are claiming that – the one who kills, the one who cooks, the one who serves
and the one who eats – all will get the equal sin, the sin of killing the
The other animals too are on the journey of life similar to us, on the path to maturity [or realization]. So, we should not harm other beings coming along - on the road..!
The other animals too are on the journey of life similar to us, on the path to maturity [or realization]. So, we should not harm other beings coming along - on the road..!
Another point is that,
according to the Darwinism we, the human beings came out or evolved out of the
other inferior beings. I. e., the goat, sheep, cow, bull, deer, etc., what the
non-vegetarians take as food are in fact
our ancestors, as we came out [evolved] from them. So, eating non-vegetarian food means we are
eating our own ancestors – so, is it not bad…?
Finally [to my
knowledge] – can a man with a gentle heart ever harm any other creature? No
matured man or a man of heart could never kill an animal. So, not eating the
non-vegetarian is a sign of gentle hearts. The Cannibals eat the flesh of other
humans and a meat eater eats the flesh of other animals [except man/woman] and there
is no big difference between these two, broadly speaking. A meat eater is just
one step down the cannibals and nothing else. So, a man of heart will never eat
or encourage the non-vegetarian food.
So if you want to
evolve within or want to become soft or don’t want to accumulate ‘sin’ - then
you should stop eating the non-vegetarian food.
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