are certain times and places for everything in the world. If you search for
‘ice’ in a desert – will you be successful? If you hope for ‘snowfall’ in the
summer will you be happy? These are not limited to just seasons, day and nights
but, it is an undeniable fact that there are certain times for doing things otherwise
we will never succeed, find happiness in the world – the Hinduism says.
Rahukal - is a statistical concept
So, it will not harm all the people !
ancient Hindu sages had found this relationship between the time [the planetary
position] and its effect on our life and other things on the Earth. So, in the
Vedas it has been mentioned that – the science of
time, the astrology or Jyotish - is the eye
of the people. Unless we know what is a good time and what is a bad time
- for doing certain thing – we can never succeed in life.
Hindu scriptures claim that – a person, who knows the astrology well [having eyes],
can lead a happy life without falling on the thorns
of life, escaping or minimizing the problems easily.
If you
buy the shares, after studying the market, you will be profited but, if you
invest during the bad [difficult] times of the market, then you will be in
troubles naturally.
there are certain good and bad times that function in our life without doubt –
the Hindu scriptures claim. Although each individual gets specific good and bad
times during the life time, there are certain good and bad times [days and
hours as well] that are applicable to all the people in general. For example,
the Hindu astrology lauds the times like – eclipse time
is highly good for doing certain things – for all the people.
are certain bad times that come and go daily – and the Hindu astrology calls
them as – Rahukal and Yamagand. Rahukal – is the main bad time that comes daily in the cycle of
the time, governed by planet Rahu, the shadowy planet, chaya grah – in the Vedic astrology. This
time of 1 ½ hours is considered to be bad – in the Hindu astrology and it also
suggests that no good work should be done during this time of 1 ½ hours daily, and
it falls on different times in a day - on each week day.
the present people argue that - ‘I can do anything in Rahukal without getting
any bad effect’. It simply implies the lack of understanding of the concept of Rahukal
- of the individual concerned with this statement.
No time is bad to all
No time is good to all
The Hindu
astrology says that - Rahukal – does not do harm to all the people but,
in fact it is good for certain people based upon their planetary positions in
their birth horoscope and for doing certain things too, as everything is relative in the world - as the famous scientist Albert Einstein says - in this theory of relativity.
fact the concept of Rahukal is a statistical concept. So,
the Rahukal – might not do any harm to
a particular individual on a given day but, if it is applied on the whole
universe of test or a group of people – then you can see that the Rahukal
– in fact is effective and bad.
Time being relative, bad time or Rahukal is also relative
For example, if a single person goes on a drive during the
- Rahukal then no harm might happen
to him, but if a group of people are riding on the bikes on the Rahukal - then there will more accidents when compared with riding
during the other times.
same time will be highly effective and good for doing certain things and really
bad for others – a person who knows what to do and what not to on a given time
– will get the success he desires, the others will repent later.
On the other hand, good time - does not imply that it
is good for all. The Hindu astrology stresses that – there will be less number
of calamities during that time and it does not imply lack of danger in that
time – again this is collective.
Out of the 100 people riding on the bikes, if the
accidents or calamities during the - Rahukal - [for example] are TEN in
number, then the accidents in the other times will be – 2 or 3.
This will happen, even if a single person goes on - 100
different rides.
This is due
to the fact that the Rahukal is a statistical concept. It might fail if tested
on a single person or single event or entity.
For example, there is a concept called the – half life period – in the nuclear chemistry. This says that – the
radioactive particles will die or disintegrate in to other particles during
this time. One type of matter particles will become other type of particles –
but, not all of them – exactly half of them. Each radioactive
material [ex; Uranium, Radium, Thorium, Plutonium, etc] has a different half
life period of its own. A particular type of carbon, an isotope of Carbon [C14]
– has the half life period of – 5760 years. This implies that, if 100 kg of the
particular Carbon [C14] is kept today in a sealed container, after 5760 years
it will become only 50 kg of Carbon. This concept is used for finding the age
of the ancient objects by the archeologists, often referred to as the Carbon dating.
According to this – if 100 particulars are kept – after
the half life period – 50 will die and only 50 will survive. But, if only a
single particle is there – it might not die after the half life period as the
half life period – is statistical in nature, works only on a collection but,
not on the individual scale.
The Rahukal too is such a statistical concept,
applicable at the group level and not at the individual level.
If you want
– you could test the effect of Rahukal - in your own life and you could see it works, not on a single event
- but, on a group of your activities.
we agree or not, these are certain rules governing the world - if you follow
them you will succeed otherwise you will fail and fall. So is with time..!
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