Why World is full of problems ? - The world is full of problems because, there should be problems in the world ! This might seem shocking, but it is true – according to Hinduism. If the world is free of problems – Will there be maturity in the people? Can anyone grow in any way? Finally, will anyone think at all of God and heaven?
Whythe 'human being' - is the last & the best - in evolution ? - According to the principles of Charles Darwin – the 'Human being'
came into existence out of - 'Natural Selection' and "evolution'.
Philosophical speculations on this will fire another question immediately -
‘why the human form had stopped to evolve into a still higher form’…?
Why all Religions imposed sexual chastity on Men & Women ? - Not only Hinduism but, almost all the religions of the world
imposed a ban on ‘prostitution’ and restricted men and women to be sexually
loyal toward only ONE person in life that is the spouse. Pre-marital and
extramarital sexual relationships have been banned stamping it as
great ‘sin’...
TheSun rides on 7 – horses: what does it mean ? - The ancients were ‘heart oriented’ people and all their
scientific sayings too were expressed in the language of the heart, in the
poetic form. All the ancient stories, symbols etc., in fact have deeper
meanings. Another advantage of this poetic language is that – a single
expression has...
Why so many rules in ancient Hindu society ? - Anything complex thing or system can come into existence only
out of deep insight and understanding. For example – a theory like relativity
could come up only after rigorous thinking and for complex thinking to take
place very wise people are required and this could only give rise to
sophisticated outputs...
Four heads of the Bramha and the Four Dimensions of our Universe! - The Hindus have developed many ‘sastras’
[sciences] and they had compiled a science on ‘kama’ [sex] in the name of “Kama
Sutra”. Though many had written books on ‘sex’ the most famous of them all was
written by the sage Vatsayana. Of course, it is the widely